Name: Irene Sycamore
Nicknames: Rene, Ren
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Date of Birth: December 28th, 2022
Occupation: Pokemon Trainer
Hometown: Lumiose, Kalos
Current Residence: Currently Traveling
Traveling with:
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Fair
Body Type: Irene is on the short and slender side and has few curves
Style: Irene tends to wear light colored clothes
Height: 4" 10
Medical Information
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Eyesight: No known issues
Disabilities: None
Injuries: None
Illnesses: None
Blood type: O-
Allergies: Dragon's Clove Flower
Additional Info & Interests
Hobbies: Researching things about history and Pokémon, Baking
Abilities: Able to understand what Pokémon are saying, the ability to see events from the past
Fears: Loud Storms, Meeting her Biological Father
Habits: Chewing on the hem of her sleeve if she’s wearing a long sleeve shirt when she gets extremely nervous
Favorite Food(s) and Drinks: Moomoo Milk, Poké Puffs, Curry, Chocolate, Most anything sweet
Least Favorite Food(s) and Drinks: Most anything bitter and some sour stuff
Likes: History, Researching Pokemon
Dislikes: Ariados
Biological Father: Lysandre Allard
Adoptive Father: Cilan Gardener
Adoptive Father: Clemont Alarie
Mother: Alain Sycamore
Adoptive Aunt: Bonnie Alarie
Adoptive Aunt (By marriage): Mairin Baran
Great-Grandfather Figure: Professor Louis Rowan
Adoptive Grandfather: Augustine Sycamore
Adoptive Grandfather: Meyer Alarie
Adoptive Aunt/Older Paternal Half Sister: Sylvie Sycamore
Older Adoptive Brother: Adrien Gardener
Older Adoptive Sister: Audrey Gardener
Younger Maternal Half-Sister: Cecilia Gardener
Younger Maternal Half-Brother: Ciel Alarie
Older Paternal Half Brother: Bastien Aubert
Older Paternal Half Sister: Alexis Aubert
Older Paternal Half Brother: Cédric Allard
Older Paternal Half Sister: Vesper Allard
Older Paternal Half Brother: Zeke Allard
Older Paternal Half Sister: Sarah Allard
Older Paternal Half Sister: Moira Harmonia
Younger Paternal Half Sister: Ausra Laurier
Grandaunt Figure: Diantha Reiss
Grandaunt Figure: Cynthia Reiss
Adoptive Uncle: Chili Gardener
Adoptive Aunt (Via Marriage): Hilda Gardener
Adoptive Cousin: Millicent "Millie" Gardener
Adoptive Cousin: Cassandra Gardener
Adoptive Uncle: Cress Gardener
Adoptive Uncle (Via Marriage): Calem Xavier
Adoptive Cousin: Lyne Xavier-Gardener
Adoptive Cousin: Nathan Xavier-Gardener
Friends & other relationships
Best Friends:
Relationship with Alain: Irene is very close with Alain and was raised by him, Professor Sycamore and mairin for about the first year or more of her life, Alain was also the one who gave Irene her starter Pokémon as the Pokémon was one of the Pokémon born from the eggs from two meowstic that were at the lab.
Relationship with Augustine Sycamore: Similar to her relationship with Alain, Irene is very close with him
Relationship with Cilan: Irene was actually really accepting of both Cilan and Clemont but to be fair she was still very very young when Alain started his relationship with them both, Regardless Irene still sees both as her dad’s even after she learned the truth about her biological father.
Relationship with Clemont: As stated prior Irene was really accepting of both Cilan and Clemont, Often when Irene needs help fixing something Clemont will almost always be the first one she asks for help especially after she only ended up breaking something more when she didn’t want to bug him.
Relationship with Bonnie : Despite being somewhat close to her, Irene has a somewhat hard time keeping up with Bonnie’s hyperactivity though she doesn’t see it as much of an issue.
Relationship with Cecilia: Irene is protective of Cecilia and the two of them are close and Irene was the one who helped her nurse her Lillipup back to help when she first found it.
Relationship with Adrien: Irene is relatively close to Adrien but they do get into arguments from time to time due to Irene’s sometimes reckless behavior.
Relationship with Audrey: Despite not caring for makeup or styling her hair in super elaborate styles Audrey is one of the only people that Irene allows to put makeup on her or elaborately style her hair.
Relationship with Ciel: Irene is pretty close to Ciel and even helped him catch his starter.
Relationship with Lysandre: Irene didn’t even know anything Lysandre until she was around ten, She wasn’t entirely informed who Lysandre really was till a bit after and wasn’t supposed to find out the truth behind her conception till she was significantly older but do to a argument with Meaghan Norwood she found out early.
Relationship with Mairin: Irene is very close with Mairin and was even babysat by her when she was younger.
- Irene is a sweet, Quiet and kind hearted girl but she is both conflicted after discovering who her biological father truly is and is terrified of the thought of people seeing her as the same as her father or even turning out like him.
- Irene has been terrified of loud storms like thunder from an early age.
- Irene rarely yells but does have trouble controlling her emotions from time to time, This sometimes results in her being more reckless than she already is.
- Irene was actually born naturally ambidextrous.
- Irene’s name means “ Peace “ and in universe Alain chose that name that would be the opposite of Lysandre’s attempt at mass genoside.
Pokemon Preference: None
Starter: Absol (received at age 4)
Main Team
- Absol ♂
- Riolu → Lucario ♂
- Goomy → Sliggoo → Goodra ♀
- Gible → Gabite → Garchomp ♂
- Eevee ( Nickname : Cookie ) ♀
- Pichu → Pikachu ♂
Other Pokemon
Character Songs
『rockleetist』x [Cloud-9] Can't I Even Dream? (Desperation Mix)